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What Is A Turbo Blanket?

What Is A Turbo Blanket?

Posted by Matthew Marks on 1st Aug 2024

A turbo blanket is an insulated cover designed to fit over the exhaust housing of a turbocharger, which keeps as much heat in as possible.

It works by retaining the massive amount of heat generated from the turbo and keeping it in the exhaust housing rather than heat soaking into the engine bay.

Because of how well turbo blankets work, they are becoming incredibly popular as the first go-to for heat management, especially in higher-power builds, which tend to generate more heat.

In recent years, the automotive industry has seen a massive surge in using turbochargers due to their ability to significantly enhance the engine's power output compared to naturally aspirated systems.

However, this generates a substantial amount of heat in the turbocharger's exhaust side and can cause multiple heat-related problems that turbo blankets solve.

What are the benefits of a turbo blanket?

There are multiple reasons to use a turbo blanket in your system, and there is no massive downside.

When deciding to use or not use a turbo blanket, it's always worth considering everything it can help with and the knock-on effect on the rest of the system, such as engine bay temperatures and component damage from excess heat.

Some aftermarket or OEM options have installed turbo heat shields, which are less efficient than turbo blankets due to how they are made and designed to fit within the engine bay.

Turbochargers work by compressing air into the engine, forcing more into each cylinder, which forces more fuel and spark, creating more power.

The exhaust gas is then sent back through the exhaust housing, which will superheat the core and exhaust housing. Because of this, the turbocharger will always be the hottest part of the engine bay.

Exoracing turbo blanket on lamborghini huracan

Reduce intake air temperatures

As we know, engines are always the happiest and most efficient when getting the coldest air possible.

Air intake temperatures are crucial when trying to maximise power from your engine. The denser the oxygen going into the engine, the more efficient and powerful the bang in each cylinder.

Using a turbo blanket will instantly be able to massively drop the hottest part of the engine bay, reducing the intake air temperatures.

The more heat you can keep in the exhaust housing of the turbo, the more efficient the turbo will run and lower the temperatures everywhere else, bringing us to our next point! turbo blanket on honda civic

Turbocharger efficiency

In addition to the above benefit, turbo blankets increase turbo spool speed, reducing lag time.

Increased spool time works by more heat staying in the turbo itself, increasing the temperature of the exhaust gas.

Hotter exhaust gases are proven to move faster than colder gases. Although this will only be a marginal bump in the spool, it's still worth considering when purchasing a turbo blanket.

You should get a mild increase over the rev range, but it will ultimately reduce the turbo lag time, which is always a benefit in our books!

Protection of engine bay components

Along with the reduction of intake temperatures and faster spool times, the most crucial point for most people would be the fact you are protecting engine bay components.

The extra heat will almost certainly reduce the lifespan of things such as wiring, plastic, rubber lines, etc., leading to repairs and the extra money you do not need to spend.

This reduction in lifespan is exponential the closer the item gets to the turbocharger itself. Adding a turbo blanket will instantly decrease heat transfer to anything else in the engine bay.

Another thing worth considering here would be using a protective heat sleeve and a turbo blanket to decrease heat transfer further.

The last point here would be the increase in temperature of body panels and firewalls, which can make driving uncomfortable or even cause lacquer and paint problems such as peel or discolouration. turbo blanket toyota chaser


The last point to consider here would be the safety and protection aspect for yourself or any mechanic working on the car.

We've all worked on cars and touched something accidentally we shouldn't have when it's hot, such as an exhaust.

A turbo blanket will solve part of this on the turbocharger itself, depending on where it's situated in the engine bay.

To take this a step further, you can also use exhaust wrap on the downpipe or heat sleeve over hot lines to protect yourself and the car as much as possible.

Overall, turbo blankets have a massive range of uses and protection properties, making it a cost-effective way to solve all the above issues.

If you're still unsure about how good turbo blankets are, check out the video underneath, a test we did with one of our Exoracing titanium T3 V3 turbo blankets.

The video speaks for itself on how resilient our turbo blankets are!

Do turbo blankets damage the turbo?

We get asked this often: no, it does not damage the turbo. This is a common misconception; if anything, it's the opposite!

Turbochargers have been designed to take an enormous amount of heat via the exhaust gases, much more than you would ever produce.

Because of this, the turbo blanket is only a good thing for the spool and longevity of the housing.

There are other ways to ensure your turbo will last longer, such as always letting the car idle for a short while before turning the car off.

turbo blanket installed image

This ensures the turbocharger will cool itself back to the correct level, increasing its lifespan.

Another common way of doing this is to install a turbo timer, letting the engine run for a set time after turning it off via the key.

This will do the same, allowing the oil to keep flowing and cooling over time.

It's also worth regulator servicing of the engine oil using a high quality oil such as Motul to make sure there aren't nasty contaminants getting into the turbocharger core.

Does turbo blanket colour make a difference?

Which turbo blanket colour to choose has to be one of the most common questions we get asked.

Many customers would assume that because they look different, they are also different regarding temperature ratings.

Two colours of turbo blankets are available: titanium and carbon.

turbo blanket difference in colour

These fit into different engine bay themes, and most of the time, it would be to match the colour of the exhaust wrap you are using.

Other than the colour, there is no difference.

They are both manufactured using the same construction and techniques and will both hold the same heat rating.

How to choose the correct turbo blanket size

The next most commonly asked question would be how to choose a turbo blanket size.

There are two factors here: the circumference and width of the turbo exhaust housing.

Most aftermarket turbochargers use a T28, T3 or T4 flange, which is reflected in the naming of the turbo blankets. However, it can sometimes be complicated.

For example, if you have a GT35 with a T3 flange but a massive exhaust housing, you may have to jump to a t4-sized turbo blanket.

Luckily, we've made the infographic below to make this as easy as possible.

turbo blanket sizing guide

The list of turbo blanket sizes, widths and circumference are as follows:

Turbo blanket size



T25 2" 17"
T3 2.5" 19"
T4 2.75" 22"

Should I Use A Turbo Blanket?

As technology advances, turbochargers are becoming increasingly popular in standard cars. This presents an excellent opportunity for car enthusiasts to enhance their vehicle's power.

However, it's essential to remember that increasing horsepower generates a lot of heat in the engine bay.

Proper heat management is critical to ensure that your car's components last as long as possible and that its performance remains optimised.

exoracing turbo blanket and wastegate blanket

At Exoracing, we understand heat management is often overlooked in turbo conversions and high horsepower applications.

That's why we offer a wide range of turbo blankets that cater to various turbocharger models, from factory to high-performance ones.

Our turbo blankets are designed to manage heat effectively, protect your engine, and optimise your car's performance.

We understand that finding the right turbo blanket for your vehicle can be daunting. That's why our team is always available to assist you in selecting the best one for your application.

Please feel free to contact us; we'll gladly guide you through the selection process.

We value your feedback and are always open to answering any questions you may have about our turbo blankets or their installation process.

To learn more about turbo blankets and installing them, we've created a comprehensive guide containing all the information you need.

At Exoracing, we are committed to providing you with the best quality turbo blankets that enhance your vehicle's performance and ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

Turbo blanket FAQ

What is a turbo blanket?

A turbo blanket is a protective heat blanket that sits over the turbocharger and has been designed to keep as much heat as possible.

Do turbo blankets help temperatures?

Turbo blankets will keep as much heat in the turbo as possible, creating less heat soak in the engine bay and increasing spool time slightly due to hotter gasses moving through the exhaust system.

Do turbo blankets damage the turbo?

No, they do not, although this is a common myth. Turbochargers are designed to run at higher temperatures than your engine can produce.

Will my turbo blanket catch fire?

Using a quality turbo blanket such as the Exoracing V3 turbo blanket will not catch fire unless a contaminant is spilt onto it.

Don’t believe us?

Check out the first video above, where we test our new turbo blanket to hundreds of degrees with only a very slight discolouration.

Is there any difference in the turbo blanket colour?

No, there is no difference in terms of temperature rating or quality of construction, only the colour itself.

How do I install a turbo blanket?

Very simply, place the turbo blanket over the exhaust housing of the turbocharger and fasten it using the supplied springs.