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How To Install Heat Reflective Tape

How To Install Heat Reflective Tape

Posted by Matthew Marks on 2nd Aug 2024

Welcome back to our blog! Today, we will discuss installing heat reflective tape and the best way for perfect coverage without wrinkles.

We've been asked for this blog at least a few times a week as you guys struggle to get it installed perfectly without wrinkles and creases.

The main image at the top of this article is my car, on which I installed gold reflective tape a few years back. It took a few tries, but once I figured it out, the rest was easy. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will also be a pro at installing heat-reflective tape!

If you would rather watch the video of us installing the heat reflective tape, then please head to the video below, but please also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more installation guides!

Installing heat tape reflective can be done quickly, but preparation is key to ensuring the best finish. Follow us through our guide as we review this in depth.

Tools Needed To Install Heat Reflective Tape:

You will need a few things to make installing gold heat tape as easy and painless as possible. I've split this into two lists, the necessary and the optional, so you don't have to spend any extra money if you don't have these items.

As a side note, I've added a few optional extras, such as a tape measure, which is nice but unnecessary for installing heat-reflective tape.

Tool list:

  1. A roll of sheet of heat reflective tape
  2. Cleaning spray or isopropyl alcohol
  3. A clean, lint-free cloth such as a microfibre
  4. A pair of sharp scissors
  5. A sharp Stanley knife or scalpel

Optional, But Nice To Have Tools:

  1. Tape Measure
  2. Pen or Pencil

tools needed to install heat reflective tape

1. Clean Down The Surface

Now we have been over the tools, we are going to move onto the preparation stage.

Firstly, you will want to clean the surface you are trying to apply the tape to with isopropyl alcohol or a similar cleaning fluid using a clean cloth so that when it dries, it doesn't leave smear marks.

clean down the surface

This will ensure no residue is left on an old pipe or surface, allowing the gold heat-reflective tape to stick properly.

Even if your pipe is brand new, it is worth cleaning anyway to ensure no deposits or residue from the factory or wherever you bought it.

As a side note, the pipe or surface to which you are trying to add the reflective tape must be non-porous. Surfaces such as power coating intakes will not be suitable as the adhesive is pressure-activated and cannot fully stick to a porous surface.

2. Measure The Heat Reflective Tape

Before you start installing the gold heat tape, you will want to measure the circumference of the piping to ensure full coverage.

There are two easy methods here: either use the tape measure to measure the circumference or, if you don't have one handy, wrap the heat tape around the pipe and cut it with a small amount of overlap.

measure the circumference of the pipe

wrap the heat reflective around the pipe

You can now use this one as a template to cut multiple strips, knowing they will all be the same perfect length.

cut the heat reflective tape to length

From here, you can also cut the reflective into smaller-diameter strips for tighter bends or uneven surfaces such as welds, and you can be sure the strips will be the perfect length.

3. Start Installing The Heat Reflective Tape

Now that you have cut the gold heat reflective in strips, you can start installing it by peeling off the backing and wrapping it around the piping, making sure to apply pressure as you activate the glue.

start installing the strips

The best method here is to hold the edge against the length of the pipe to get a perfectly flat line and start from underneath the piping. This way, you can ensure that any lines are on the pipe underneath and that there are no join lines when looking at it from the top.

lay the edge against the flat of the pipe

If the pipe is perfectly straight, you can easily go to the end with a small overlap and shouldn't have any issues, provided you are laying the gold heat reflective tape straight. If you have any bends or raised parts on your pipe, then please carry on reading!

install to all of the flat faces

4. Cut Into Smaller Strips If Necessary

People usually encounter problems with bends or ports in the piping, such as welded-on intake air temperature bosses or mass air flow sensors.

For the bends, you should cut the strips into smaller, thinner strips, as these are less likely to crinkle and crease when going around a bend.

install the strips to the bends

Usually, the tighter the bend is, the smaller the strips you will need to cut, as this will help you first not to crease the heat reflective tape and second to help you follow the contour of the bend a bit easier.

carry on installing the smaller strips

For welded-on parts in the piping, it is better to fit up until the welded boss, then cut the base, allowing you to wrap the reflective neatly around the boss.

Another way of doing this is to skip the welded section and just piece bits in, but it generally doesn't look as neat as if you were to cut perfectly around it.

carry on for the rest of the pipe

Follow this until you have finished the entire pipe, and you are all done!

you are finished installing the heat reflective tape

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is the difference between gold and silver heat reflective tape?

A. Both gold and silver reflective tape have a very similar amount of reflective capability, but gold, in its purest form, is more reflective than silver. The best thing to do if you cannot choose is to go with the colour you think will suit your engine bay the best.

Q. Will I get an intake air temperature decrease?

A. Yes, you will. Heat reflective tape has been proven hundreds of times to slightly reduce the intake air temperature of an intake pipe and reduce radiant heat by up to 80%.


Hopefully, you are confident enough to install the gold or silver reflective tape yourself! If you need to watch us installing the heat reflective tape, then watch the video at the top of the article, as this should be helpful for you.

If you want to buy any gold or silver reflective tape, use the discount code:


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